Monday, October 3, 2011

So proud of my girls!

Though Libby was pretending to sleep, poor thing was not. School is tiring.

I cannot believe how fast the month of September sped by in a blur. Libby has officially been in school one month. We are so thankful that there has been no separation anxiety or fears. In fact, quite the opposite. She loves it! She has no problem riding the bus and gets off at the end of the day with a big smile on her face. Libby had thought that the other Asian children in her school were Chinese. I had to explain they were most likely not. She recently informed me that she was very happy she had Chinese teachers. I know for some adoptive children it would not matter, but it really drove home how happy we are we went with this program for many reasons. Last week, she sang "Happy Birthday" in Chinese. By bedtime, she is one tuckered out girl.

We had our first parent meeting with the teacher last week. We knew we would have to be involved more than the average parent, but this really drove it home. The administrator of the program has made a huge offer to the parents-to teach us enough Chinese that we would be able to assist with basic homework. I have never heard of any school offering this and we are thrilled to be learning Chinese. The parents are also banding together on FB to organize and to promote the school. It's is going to be one heck of a ride.

Miss Maisy loves her pre-school, but is right in the midst of being 2-1/2 years old. She is bossy, sassy, loving, clinging, teary, mad and exhausting. Dang, we love our little monkey. She cries each time at drop off, but when I come to pick her up, wants to stay and play. Her speech continues to grow and we are thankful to the school system that allows Mary, her therapist, to come to our house each week. This morning, I woke up to Maisy singing "Twinkle, Twinkle". She was working very hard at enunciating her words. Our little amiable girl right now is our tyrant and the girl who used to just go to sleep is now up until all hours. We know we will get through it and on to the next phase we will go.

Eric has always made fun of me pretending to make Libby/T-man wedding plans. However, now that it clicked that T-man's last name is Walker, he is determined that they marry so we will have Libby Roller Walker. And I'm bad? :)

This week, the temps will be in the 70's-80's. Wow. It is gorgeous here and we hope to take advantage of the weather.

Maisy's favorite part of the MN Zoo, riding a fish.

Our poor sick Libby trying to have fun.

Yeehaw, Tenzing
! Trying to "pet" the fish

Kissing the "puppy" goodbye
I have a sticker on my nose, take my picture.

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