Thursday, October 27, 2011

Pumpkin Patch Visit

We went to the pumpkin patch/apple orchard for the third year with T-Man and family. The first year we went, it was so cold we were in winter coats and hats. This year, it was an absolutely gorgeous day. Eric had to do the annual ride down the hill in the wagon with the kids. Libby got to try and fling apples at a target with a giant slingshot. Maisy got to swing her her favorite bee swing from last year. We had just a great day.

Libby continues to love school. She does have homework each night, but does it right away. She is teaching us all how to count to 10 and to say some basic phrases. I fear the day when she is fluent and I will have no clue as to what she is saying! :) We are just so fortunate to have this school near us.

Maisy speech is improving leaps and bounds. Her pre-school teacher today told me she is able to understand her so much better than just two months ago. They think she is the most independent funny little thing. They would be right.

Less than one month ago we found out our dear friend, and Maisy's god-father, has pancreatic cancer. We are all trying to do as much as we can for the family during this difficult time. They are also members of St. Mary's and Eric and the St. Mary's Snow Shoveler's have offered to help with many big projects. I have offered to take their daughter, and our god-daughter, Maddy as often as they need. It is times like this when you realize how precious loved ones are. Please hug those you love and keep our friend and his family in your thoughts and prayers.

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