Thursday, August 12, 2010

Catch Up

Oh, that Tenzing is so funny!
I think we are the cutest couple here!
Practicing my giggle...

The time is flying by! My goodness, we are seeing the end of summer around the corner and the Roller's leaving for China in just one short week. We have had a fairly busy summer. We discovered a new place called Caponi Art Park. They have a program for children every Tuesday morning, but also have other performances or you may just walk through the park and look at the sculptures. It has been a fun new find. Attached are pictures of Libby and Tenzing at the one about the Voyagers. They had a great time dancing and giggling, and, well, being the silly monkeys they are when they are together.

We have spent a lot of time at Waubun Park. I love St. Paul, but envy Minneapolis and all the little wading pools they have all over the city. It has been such a hot and humid summer, that water has been a nice relief.

Libby told her first made up by herself joke this summer. I was looking at a cookbook and she asked me what I was reading. I told her a recipe. She then started to sing, "Recipe, recipe, recipe, pee, pee, pee. I have to go potty". She then turned to me and said, "Get it Mom, get it?" I get it, honey.

1 comment:

  1. A week?????? Holy crap!! :) :) :) :)

    Love the pee pee joke. I can't wait for them;).
