Thursday, June 17, 2010

Whine Loud and Ye Shall Receive!

Can you believe it? We received two new pictures of Maisy!! Just too excited for words. The first picture has her wearing a little shirt we sent her. She is not wearing the matching pants for some reason, but who cares? :) I love how the nanny is smiling at her. We also had a chuckle at how she is being measured with the tape measure. Uhm, and people wonder why when they meet their children, the stats are off a bit!

The second picture makes me laugh because it looks like they have slicked down her hair down to make it look better, and it does not! The pictures do answer the question I have been wondering, does she have hair? Not a ton, but it is there.

She appears to be healthy, but petite. I think her cheeks are very squishable and can hardly wait until we are holding her and doing just that. Please keep our little peanut in your thoughts and prayers and keep us there too, that we may travel soon. Just giddy with happiness at seeing her little face!