Saturday, June 12, 2010

Catching Up

I am the Easter Bunny Princess Captain Monkey Toes

We are settled back to our regular routine after a whirlwind visit with Eric's parents. Their kids call them the AP's or Aged Parents. Thankfully, they were here last weekend when the weather was so much nicer. We were able to enjoy the great outdoors much more. One day, we went furniture "looking" at Dock 86. The AP's love furniture stores and we were curious about this one. We found the most darling love seat in the clearance section. The AP's were so generous as to purchase it for us. We also got to show them Grand Old Day. We made our way down to the kid's area first so that Libby could have the pony ride she so desperately wanted. I asked her after wards if she now wanted a pony, and I got a firm "No". It was okay, but the bouncy castle was much more fun. Eric's dad, Doug, Eric and Libby also joined in the Scottish dancing. They were having a great time until Libby tripped over some candy that fell out of her pockets. Two of the dancers were kind enough to come over later to check on her and to tell her what a good job she had done. Spent several hours one day at the Science Museum, and I am sure Eric wishes he could spend the whole day there by himself to play! Another day, we wanted to see the polar bears at Como, but there was no parking and the buses kept coming in one after another, so we walked around the lake. We had some great meals out, including the Cheeky Monkey, Blue Door and Supatra.

Libby's favorite part of Grand Old Day (maybe dada's too)

Scottish dancing before the tumble.

The other night night, Eric told Libby that we have one rule, that she has to at least try the food on her plate. She looked at him and said, "I have one rule, I don't LIKE it!". Other phrases that are cracking us up right now are things like, "We will do it two days weeks ago" and "That costs hundreds and hundreds of dollars".

At the Science Museum

Our coordinator at Children's Home had the sad job of telling us that the director of Maisy's SWI said he will not give any more updates-period. She has asked if they would at least send a few photos and we have not heard anything. Please think good thoughts because we really want to see how our girl has grown!

Tomorrow is Father's Day and I always try to do something nice for Eric. I will use the excuse that it snuck up on me, because I have nothing up my sleeve! I hope all the Dads out there have a great day, and that I have an epiphany in the next 24 hours. :)

**Thanks for the heads up LA! Now I really have to do something special for Eric and I have no excuses!

And I am cute!


  1. Love your posts and photos -- need to see you guys in person soon! And if it makes you feel any better on the "sneaking up on you" front, Father's Day isn't until next weekend...

  2. You scared me, Janice. I thought I had another week:).

    Boo! to no Maisy updates, but Yay! for cute new Libby pics. I love that picture of her!!
