Monday, April 5, 2010

Our newest consumer

We had a bed tray in our room that Libby was allowed to have her snack on while watching Monkey George. Last week, against all rules, she decided to stand on it and it broke. When I came to the room and confronted her about it, her comment was, "We'll just go to Target and get another one". WHAT? I told her that we would not be doing that and she would now be having her afternoon snack at the dining room table. Again, she commented "But Target will have it. Let's just go there and get it now." Sigh. Sat down and had long chat with her, but wonder how much sunk in. Talked about it with some other Mom's and we all agreed that they just see things replaced when something happens to them with such ease, that they do not realize that there is more to the story.

Had a lovely play date at the house on Friday. It was a smaller group than expected, but in many ways, it was so nice. Was able to actually converse with the other Mom's, the kids all played beautifully, and the egg hunt was so much fun for all the kids, big and super small. Glad we had this, as the rest of our weekend did not go as planned. Eric ended up with a horrible toothache. His dentist has told him a year and a half ago that an x-ray showed a problem. Yep, he's a guy and did nothing. Easter Sunday morning, he woke up in such pain that he went to an emergency dental clinic. Our Easter egg and basket hunt with Libby did not happen. Libby and I went to church where there was a brunch and an egg hunt, and she had a blast, thank goodness. The doctor told Eric that they should wait on pulling the tooth and gave him antibiotics and vicodin. We were able to still have a lovely afternoon with friends, and enjoy the lamb which I cooked on our new grill.

Poopy head: A phrase all three year olds must use at some time, whether it makes sense or not. I can assure you we do not say this, so when Libby used it on Sunday, it made everything stop. We all looked at her, she looked at us, said it again, laughed and that was the end of it. This is when the big parental debate about sitting down and discussing it, which clearly gives it more weight, or just waiting to see if the word comes into use again. We have opted for silence for now, you poopy heads.


  1. Poopyhead. Me and Bob laughed and laughed. We haven't used it yet, but I'm sure it's coming!!

    Cute post!

  2. Thank you for the fun playdate! And watch out, "poopyhead", is just a gateway word for more toilet humor to come;) Gotta love kids!!
