Lovely day with Libby at Como today despite the rain. Miss Libby is always able to give me a giggle, even when quite inappropriate. While at the sunken garden in the conservatory, I hear this: "MOM, there is a naked statue in the water, and she has a BIG, naked bottom". Telling her to hush only gets me "Does she toot out of that bottom?" Anyone, anyone, when does this fascination end?
We have had a rough week in our house. Hopefully, all things are back on track. The big storm two nights ago was almost the final straw for me. Merlie the Dog is petrified of thunder. When the storm began, she was in the bed, on top of me, drooling in my face and whining. Somewhere in the night, Libby had already snuck into our bed. I thought I could get us all settled if I brought Merlie to Libby's room and the two of us slept there. Unfortunately, Merlie did not settle, and Libby woke up and began calling for me at the top of her lungs. Merlie and I went back to our bed, and I ended up with Libby's arms wrapped around my neck, Merfi the Cat on my tummy, and Merlie at my feet. Eric tried to get Merfi to come to him, but nope. I was hanging off of the bed for most of the night and actually had big black circles under my eyes the next day!
Today I went to a local department stores to help update my "Garanimals" wardrobe for our trip to China. You want to pack lightly for international travel, but also should have enough clothes if you need them. At some point, I will put in here a copy of a packing list for travel to China with you, spouse, daughter and new daughter in mind. It's a humdinger! Anyway, my store credit card had expired (only use it once a year for the big sale, and then pay it off), but if you signed up again, you got 20% off, plus the coupon for 25% off if you had a card, on top of the sale prices! I saved a TON of money, and got things that really work well together. Now, I just need that travel approval so I can get the suitcases down and get this show on the road! :)
Yikes! I wish you could have gotten a picture of those sleeping arrangements! :)