I realize transitions are going on all the time with all of us, but sometimes they are so acute, they are breathtaking. We started ECFE again this past Wednesday night. I think back to the little girl a year ago, who cried and did not want us to leave the room. By the end of the year she was fine. It was a great thing to be involved in before starting pre-school as she now smiles from ear to ear when we get to the school, gives me a quick hug and kiss, and runs into the classroom to play. OK, it would be nice if she would at least look back! :) This summer was witness to some major changes, both with Libby and many of her little friends. They now converse with each other, which is beyond cute. The other day Tenzing was over, and Libby asked him if he wanted a Popsicle. When he said yes, she grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the back door, saying "come in, then, come in and I will get you one". Our neighbors on both sides have been smiling a lot this summer as they heard some very funny and sweet conversations. Not only has her vocabulary grown, but her self-confidence has also seen a leap. I really think our tumbling class with Miss Amy was a help in that department.
Aaaah, and then there is pre-school. I have to say she has taken to it like a duck to water. She is so happy to go there each day, and today wanted to stay. Youch! I was worried because she is the youngest in her class, but she does not seem to notice or mind a bit.
Trying to note every few months favorite things that Libby enjoys. Right now, her favorite books are "Brown Bear, Brown Bear", and thinks it's so funny to say "I see a pizza looking at me". She also loves "Motherbridge of Love". Her favorite song is still "ABC", which cracks us up. If she could wear jeans and her monkey shirt every day, she would. Aside from the usual childhood favorite foods, she also loves salmon, steak, and potstickers. Her favorite song to sing with Dada is "Mockingbird". Eric says "Mock" and Libby says "Yea" Eric, "ing" Libby, "yea", Eric "bird" Libby, "yea". However, she now wants to do the Mockingbird part, and not be back up singer. I joined in the other day, and she laughed and laughed. I am sure it was because she was happy, not because she was laughing at my singing...
Our other big transition, has been the transition out of napping. Libby has stated very firmly that she does not like falling asleep-too scary, and will no longer be napping. She has actually held pretty firmly to this. She did not nap once last week, but finally on Saturday, had to give in. When she makes up her mind about something, it is pretty much a done deal.
As for me, I am busy meeting with contractors. Hopefully, we will make a decision either way very soon as to whether we remodel or move. I have also decided to go back in time, and resurrect the old "wash on Monday" routine, tweaking it for a today's time, mostly because there is no chance I will be ironing on Tuesdays! I kind of randomly, willy nilly get things done around the house, and now I want to do better than that.
The weather here has been gorgeous and we are going to spend much of our coming weekend outdoors with friends.
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