Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Fall is in the air

We had a very nice weekend, for the most part. My niece Andrea, and her boyfriend and their friends were down in the Cities from Grand Forks to see the Vikings game. We had them over to the house on Saturday night for a bbq. I have no idea what got into Libby, but she was wacky, silly, over the top crazy. I swear she took a swig of someone's beer! She was very funny, and thankfully, they all took it in stride.

Sunday morning, we headed to the MN Zoo for the morning. We took the long way around to the farm. All of us love the goats and had fun feeding them. I would love my very own goat (legal to have one in the city), but someone is against my brilliant idea. Note Libby is wearing her "Ranger tux" for our farm visit.

Would have been a perfect weekend if I had not come down with the stomach flu on Sunday night. Eric had to stay home from work to watch Libby on Monday. At the end of the day, I asked him how it went. "It's so hard getting anything done with her around. She just keeps interrupting and wants all the attention". Really? I had never noticed :)

We had a full bed last night as Merfi as decided to come in in the evening and sleep with us. She still has claws, and liked to stretch out on me...ouch!

My cleaning schedule seems to be working out well. The house will never be perfect, but I am feeling less stressed and things seem to be getting done.

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