Monday, August 24, 2009

Libby's Third Birthday Party

We had Libby's third birthday party this past Saturday at a place called the Java Train. It is a neighborhood coffee shop that caters to Mom's and their children. We rented the downstairs party room for the morning. I can say this without prejudice, we had seven of the cutest girls EVER, all in one place. Last year, Libby was very bemused by her birthday, and never got that it was about her. Trust me, she got it this year! :) She loved every single minute of it. We did a princess pinata for the kids to smack at. It's a lot harder than it looks. I loved having it because I think it is great to show kids they can have fun, wait their turn, and cheer their friends on-all of which happened. Even our littlest ones, Amelia and Chloe, took a couple of very nice whacks at it (with a little help from moms). Turns out the best thing about the pinata was playing "tether ball" with it after it had been busted open. The "sticker the tail on the donkey" game went much the same way, but I had to laugh that when I told Libby to put the tail just where Merlie's is, she chose to put it on the nose! But the hit of the party? Running from one side of the room to the other and hiding behind a curtain there and then running back across again, screaming at the top of their lungs. It was high entertainment that must have gone on for almost 1/2 hour. Libby does not quite know how to "whoo" when blowing out candles, so luckily, her friend Lexa was there to help her blow out the candles. All of the presents were so lovely and thoughtful. It was so nice to have everyone gathered together and to see the smiles on all the girls faces, but mostly that of my almost three year old, Libby. Happy third birthday, our little love and light of our lives!


  1. OK, does it make me a bad mom that the photo of Ellie crying and Libby looking up at her with a "girl, don't you know this is a party?!" look kinda cracks me up? We had a lovely time, thanks for loads of fun!

  2. We had lots of fun. I can't wait to see you guys Tuesday.
