Yesterday was Libby's actual birthday. My brother Keith and his wife Diane, Libby's God-parents, joined us, as well as Marc and Teri and their daughter Maddy, whom we are God-parents to, and our dear neighbors Tom and Gail. I love grilling turkey, and was happy to find a fresh one at the grocery store when I was there. Libby's other favorites, pasta, watermelon and chips, were also part of the feast. On a tip from my friend Rena, I got the ice cream cake from Trader Joe's. Everyone agreed they liked it even better than the one from DQ. We had lots of wine, laughter and a very lovely evening. Libby grinned from ear to ear. Oops, no she did not have any wine :) Uncle Keith is one of her favorite people and they get just silly when they are together. It is hard to believe she is already 3. The time has flown by.
Unfortunately, we did not have a good night's sleep. Eric sat with her, but when he came to bed, she followed shortly, so I brought her back to her bed and sat with her. Everytime I tried to leave, crawling across the floor, she would wake up and call for me. Finally, we both fell asleep. When we awoke, Eric was long gone and it turned out to be after 9:00! Eric and I are both at a loss as to what to do about her lack of sleeping. It makes it really hard to get up and go the next day. I know this because she is still naked and snuggled with Molly, and I have yet to take a shower.
We were planning on going to the State Fair tomorrow, but Eric's company has a parking lot right by the fair that they staff for it. Lucky Eric is in charge of coordinating this. As it is their first time doing it, it has led to a lot of snafus. He will be working late there tonight and will probably have to work part of the day tomorrow. We hate not seeing him on the weekend, but the big Mac Groveland garage sale is going on, so I think Miss Lib and I will hit that during the morning.
I just have to end with saying how amazed we are by our little girl. She is funny, sunny, witty, loves good jokes, bossy, tempermental and just an absolute joy. We love our little sunshine more than words could ever come close to describing. Happy birthday, dear little Lib Lib.
That was sweet.