Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Happy Fall!

We had such a nice Labor Day weekend. The girls always like being able to have more time with Dada. On Sunday, we went to the MN State Fair again, this time just the four of us. The girls love walking around and seeing things. Before you know it, you have been there for hours and it is time to go home. Libby was riding on Eric's shoulders and looked around and said, "Boy, there are a lot of people here now. Time to go home." Okay then.

Monday, we went to the MN Zoo and had another great family day. The girls enjoyed all the animals, but I swear were just happy running up and down the paths on such a gorgeous day. It makes us realize how lucky we are to have the MN Zoo and Como Zoo so nearby.

I had Libby try on her school uniforms again and got all sniffley. She looks so little and cute. So far, she remains calm about the whole thing. I was reading a book about starting kindergarten and there was a page that showed some kids crying. I asked her how she thought she would do that day, and my smart girl said, "I guess we will have to see how I feel that day". Crossing fingers all goes well and it is a smooth transition.

Hope wherever you are, you are enjoying a beautiful September!

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