Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Lots of Firsts this Week!

Maisy started a very sweet little preschool program that is near our house. It is two mornings a week for two hours. Best thing is that she does not need to be potty trained! It is just the thing she needs. However, when I went to pick her up, her teachers gently admonished me for not giving Maisy a kiss good-bye. I laughed and stuck my lip out and said, "mama no kiss, mama no kiss, mmmmm". They realized they had been had by a two year old! Little darling stinker.

After meeting a little girl in Libby's class who would also be on the same bus as her, Eric and I took a deep breath and agreed to let Libby go to school on the bus. She was excited about it, us, well a little nervous. Turns out she did great. However, the teacher was confused about Libby being on the bus both in the morning and afternoon. Maisy and I stood at the corner for almost an hour with Eric making phone calls only to find out she was at the school waiting for us. She was quite fine with it all and told me on the way home that her teacher helped her learn more Chinese. I thought I would apoplectic, but I was glad they erred on the side of cautiousness rather than just putting her on a bus.

To all of you experiencing changes of any sort, a sense of humor does wonders! :)

Monday, September 12, 2011

First day of Kindergarden

First day of kindergarden

With several new classmates

Ellie's very lovely lantern

Malia and Libby

Three crazy girls

Today was a big day in our house. Libby started kindergarden. We tried not to have it overwhelm her when we talked about it. She seemed only mildly interested and would make comments once in a while. Although she had fun buying new shoes and other items for school, she really did not react one way or the other. Last week while reading a book about going to kindegarden, there was a page that showed some kids crying. I asked her how she thought she was going to feel on the first day and she logically replied she that would have to see that day. That's my girl :)

Last night, we had a lovely party for autumn moon festival. Several friends commented that they thought we were a little crazy having a big event like this before Libby's first day of school. Au contraire. It was the perfect distraction. She had so much fun playing with her friends. Plus, all of them had already started kindegarden and they all told her how much they liked it. I am one smart Mama :)

Because we were a little nervous about the bus and also how her little school of one class in this very big building would be handled, I drove her to school today. Very glad I did. It was chaos. Plus, several people looked at you blankly when the Chinese immersion school was mentioned. All schools in St. Paul now offer a free breakfast to students. I feel kind of funny taking it, but Libby likes to eat several small meals a day and this is perfect timing for her. Fortunately, met a father whose daughter Ada is on Libby's bus. I introduced the girls and asked Ada if Libby could sit with her. They gave each other the thumbs up, hand bumped and it seemed to be sealed. Miss Maisy will be thankful not to have to be loaded up every day. As I was leaving, Libby almost started to waiver, but did a little pause and said, "Mama, think I'm....I think I'm going to be okay". I don't doubt it my dear love.

Tomorrow, Maisy starts preschool for two days a week. I think I am ready...

Rrrrrr, I'm a mean pirate!

Captain Libby at your service.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Happy Fall!

We had such a nice Labor Day weekend. The girls always like being able to have more time with Dada. On Sunday, we went to the MN State Fair again, this time just the four of us. The girls love walking around and seeing things. Before you know it, you have been there for hours and it is time to go home. Libby was riding on Eric's shoulders and looked around and said, "Boy, there are a lot of people here now. Time to go home." Okay then.

Monday, we went to the MN Zoo and had another great family day. The girls enjoyed all the animals, but I swear were just happy running up and down the paths on such a gorgeous day. It makes us realize how lucky we are to have the MN Zoo and Como Zoo so nearby.

I had Libby try on her school uniforms again and got all sniffley. She looks so little and cute. So far, she remains calm about the whole thing. I was reading a book about starting kindergarten and there was a page that showed some kids crying. I asked her how she thought she would do that day, and my smart girl said, "I guess we will have to see how I feel that day". Crossing fingers all goes well and it is a smooth transition.

Hope wherever you are, you are enjoying a beautiful September!