Monday, November 23, 2009

Eek, where did November go?

Is Thanksgiving really this Thursday? We are spending the day with our friends Pat and Becki and their kids. Even thought my kitchen is a mess, I have volunteered to make the pies because I need some normalacy in my life.

I have not been good in keeping up the blog because it is usually so loud here during the day with hammering, that I try not to be home. In the afternoon, Miss Libby, who does not like to nap, keeps me occupied.

In Libby news, she is loving, loving pre-school. We had our first conference with her teacher and she confirmed what we knew. She also said that Libby joins in on everything, follows and understands directions, and plays well with other kids. She was having a few issues with grabbing at first, but the teacher assured me it was very "3 year old" and that it has gotten much better.

The other morning, Eric said "Mamma Mia" and Libby grabbed me and said "she's not a mia, she's my Mommy" Aaahhhh

I told her the yesterday morning that she needed to have a bath because she was dirty. She unzipped her pj's, looked at her belly, and said, "I not a dirty girl".

The house is coming along so well that I do not want to whine, but will you let me for a minute? My dishes are in boxes, as are my pots and pans. It is hard for someone who loves to cook to feel so stymied. I was a trooper the first few weeks, but it's getting old. Enough whining, here is the good news. They are sheet rocking this week and it should be close to done by Wednesday. Can we say "Woo Hoo?" Next week, the taper, mudder person will be here to get that part done. Our contractor thinks we should be able to paint the weekend of the 11th. The following week should be all the trim and final touches. Our deck is huge. I love it. Crossing fingers that we will be able to make it into a screened porch come spring.

My friend Leeanne informed me that November is some blog posting thing where you are supposed to post every day. Uhm, not happening. However, I do have other stories and remodel pics that I will try to share in the next day or so.

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