Our dear little girl is indeed growing up. She is now asking for privacy when she is in the bathroom! When I told Eric this, he wanted to know if it went both ways. Uhm, no, she still feels it is her right and duty to impede any chance of privacy for us! :) Today, she also took her first shower. I asked her if she wanted to get in instead of standing there getting sprayed. She surprised me greatly by agreeing to and actually liking it. I was also able to wash her hair so much easier than when she is in the tub. And if that is not enough, she went to the potty, washed her hands and brushed her teeth with no help. Gulp, where did my little girl go?
Whew, no worries, we just hooked up with Tenzing and the crazy, irrepresible little girl I know is back. We had music today and Libby and Tenzing acted as if they had not seen each other in years. They were actually disruptive, and I had to take Libby outside to have a talk with her. She was much better behaved when we went back in, but when the "So Long" song started, she burst into tears. She now fully understand that means the end of class, and she does not like that at all. Libby is such an emotional little monkey that I cannot help but wonder what she will be like as a teenager!
Oh my... it's it crazy how fast the girls are growing up. Although you want them to be independent it is also hard when they don't want your help anymore. Libby is such a doll and I can't even start to think of both girls as teenagers!!!