Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Who's Crazy Idea was That!

I am sitting down very dizzy after having done a meazly 25 minutes on the elliptical. To set things up, I have been telling myself to get my tuckus on it for months, but have always had a number of excuses to not do it. Even while Libby was napping, I would find more fun things to do, such as look at my Facebook page-hah! Today I had enough of myself, plus, I am so bored from having been inside for days, that I made myself get on the machine. Having first had the stomach flu two weeks ago, followed by a cold that I still cannot shake, perhaps this was not the best idea. I am listing a bit to the left and feel a little woozly. I am going to take a break now with some nice cold fluids. Thing is, my bottom already feels a burn. If I can get back in the blog saddle again, I sure as heck can get back in the elliptical/working out saddle, also. (I hope) Wish me luck.
Another thing I need luck with is Libby's potty training. She had been doing it beautifully for 5 days straight, including pooping with no issues. She has no problem still going pee, but for some reason has gotten upset about the ol' poo. I have no idea where this came from. She has gotten it into her head that it is "icky" and "bad". I have always told her it was natural and what your body just does and that yes, everybody poos. I am going to keep working on making it a positive thing. Wish I could read her mind to find out what changed. A 2 pound bag of Num & Nums may be in order for bribery (and leftovers to make Mama feel better).

Looking out at a gorgeous 34 degree day and wishing I had it in me to bundle Libby up and get out to enjoy it.

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