Saturday, January 7, 2012

Happy New Year!

We had a fun New Year's celebration this year. We were invited by a friend of mine for college to join he and his family and friends to celebrate. Mike and Michele also have two girls from China, although their girls are 9 and 7. Libby, our girl who likes bedtime, actually made it until 9:00 before she asked to go home to go to sleep. A few parents mouths dropped open at that. I think they both made it until 10:00.

New Years Day, we had my annual birthday brunch. It is a tradition I started 4 years ago when Eric told me he was going to have to work that day. I was not going to sit around feeling sad, so I planned my own party. It has become one of our favorite yearly events. We have friends from church, neighbors and family join us for a brunch and have to practically shove folks out by the end. This year was probably the best ever. There was just a lot of happiness abounding.

Our dear friend Marc is doing well and they will be heading to Long Island for a new treatment program. Keep them in your thoughts that all goes well. They gave us passes to Waterpark of America. Eric and I, to be honest, were a little...cynical, about the whole thing. I don't know why, but it did not appeal. Shame on us. We went there with the Breton's and all of us had a blast. Libby and Maisy could not be persuaded to leave. We were there from when it opened until we were kicked out.

Will try to catch up soon with some of my favorite Libby and Maisyism's of the year. What an incredible year it has been.

Happy 2012!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Okay, a little late on this one. Will try over the next few days to catch up with the Roller's.

December went by in a blur. Libby and I had two very fun mother/daughter dates. We went to the Wizard of Oz with Colleen and Jai. It was spectacular and I think the moms may have enjoyed it more than the daughters, although both girls had fun. We also did our annual mother/daughter date with LeeAnne and Ellie and went to the Nutcracker this year. Libby was so enthralled, she was trying to dance in her seat.

Libby continues to thrive in her school. We struggle with homework each night, but ironically, she has no problem with the language, it is trying to finish math and vocab lists each night that do us in. She had a talent show and practiced and practiced for it. She sang beautifully, but never looked up. Of course she belted it out like Ethel Merman when we were at Target several days later.

Maisy loves her little pre-school. Her class is very small and they seem to get even more extra special time to play and interact. Her vocabulary has exploded and she is a very funny and naughty little monkey.

We had a very lovely Christmas. Both girls were beyond excited about it this year and had written their letters to Santa. We went to the mall and Libby very clearly told Santa what she wanted. Maisy just cried. She said next year she will not and that she will be sure to tell him what she wants. We did the Children's Pageant at our church this year for the first time. Libby was a lovely angel. We were so proud to see her up in the front and she knew all the motions and even sang! Maisy on the other hand, was not quite an angel. She kept talking through the whole service. I took her out and told her we had to be quiet and we went back in. Libby said something to Eric and then it began. "Shh, Libby no talk. Shhh, Libby, no talk". Thankfully, most around us were laughing, but we beat a hasty retreat and were home about an hour earlier than expected.

Christmas morning was very fun and both girls seemed to be genuinely happy and excited about their gifts. Libby almost swooned when she opened up her Lalaloopsy. Dinner that afternoon was at my brother Keith's and they did a lovely presentation as always.

There was no snow on the ground here and I know many others would be happy about that, but I do like my white Christmas. Although rather late in saying this, I truly hope you all had a very wonderful Christmas!