Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Prayers for a friend and his Family

We are going through a very sad time here. Our dear friend Marc was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer at the end of September. Sadly, none of the treatments have been very effective. His latest round was done in hopes of decreasing the size of the tumor so they could remove it. Unfortunately, it did not shrink and may have grown larger. He has been in and out of the hospital due to his bad reactions to the treatments and other complications. I cannot put into words how much we miss his company. Not to be able to spend time with him and wondering if we will again has been very disheartening to us. Each day we wait for word that we can at least stop in and see him for a bit. We will keep praying that we get the go ahead soon. Our thoughts never leave his wife Teri and their daughter, our God-daughter, Maddy. I, selfishly, have so many memories going through my head. We would meet at the Green Mill, a restaurant directly between our two houses, more times that we could count over the years. So many dinners with them at their house and the ones in the winter with Marc adding wood to the fire and settling into a chair with Maddy climbing up to snuggle against him. He is such a good guy, good friend, father and husband.

We will continue to pray for him that he may be comfortable and surrounded by those he loves. If you read this, please keep him and his family in your thoughts.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Halloween Catch Up

Time has just zipped by. We had a Halloween season this year. We went to the Children's Museum for their annual party. The girls had a great time and the staff does a wonderful job. Libby had a Halloween party at a friends on Saturday. We had a family Halloween party on Sunday and Monday was Halloween-whew! So thankful I grab Halloween costumes at consignment sales, garage sales and clearance racks. We ended up using most that we had for any number of reasons. Halloween night we had the most trick or treaters that we have ever had-about 120!

Life settled down after that and it is just back to school and regular life. Thankfully, both girls are still loving school and that is such a nice thing. I no longer attempt to say anything in Chinese because Libby will first tell me she does not understand me and after I say it several times, will correct me. Hmmmmm

Eric is traveling for work and was fortunate to spend time with both his sister and family in Richmond and his parents in Staunton. Maisy said, "me too miss you dada" on the phone to him and I think both Eric and I got choked up over it.

Starting to make Thanksgiving preparations. I cannot believe it is just around the corner. Hope all of you have your feet under you better than I have!