Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Back back in the Blog Saddle Again

I have closed up our Babyjellybeans site and will try to keep this new/old blog up to date. It really has been an incredible year filled with much change, a whole lotta love and little sleep. I still pinch myself in disbelief that we have two such wonderful little girls in our lives.

A catch up of the passed few weeks would include Libby's birthday party. We did a pirate/fairy theme and it was so much fun. Eric set up the canoe as a pirate ship complete with pirate flags. The play structure was a fairy fort and decorated with a lovely canopy from our neighbors down the street. Most of the kids came dressed in character, but not all. All, however, seemed to have a great time. Nick smashed open the treasure chest and Lexa found the special coin among the gold doubloons. The day ended with a Roller tradition, ice cream cake. All in all, a fabulous 5th birthday.

We went to the state fair with Heather and Tenzing. The kids loved the helping hands farm, sitting on the real John Deere tractors and riding the the kiddie rides. Libby and Tenzing were on the bumper water boats and Maisy was in tears because she wanted to join them. The worker told us she could join them, which surprised us. Silly us. She smiled from ear to ear and crowed like a rooster from happiness. The worker took great care of her. For the first time ever, we were able to be up close to the animals in the Miracle of Birth barn. We saw a chick hatch, baby pigs being born, brand new lambs, calves and kids (the goat kind). Ended the visit with ice cream from the dairy barn on our way out. Dang, we love the MN State Fair!

We meet Libby's teacher tonight at the open house for the BE May Chinese Immersion school (shorter name needed). She will start next week. Uniforms purchased and ready to roll. Maisy will start the following week at the pre-school for 2 year olds. Lots of change going on this fall. Maisy has been doing great at potty training. Libby's carrot was M & M's and Maisy's is marshmallows, preferably the flat kind?! Hopefully, it will all connect soon and another big step will be taken here!

It feels good to be back at my old blog and I hope some of you remember us and continue to check us out.