Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Two Year Family Day

Right after Libby has been handed to us (most beautiful scary moment ever).
Michelle, Janice and Eric nervously waiting for our names to be called
Our guide Molly by the front desk

It is so hard to believe that two years ago on March 31st, we were driven to a large government building with others in our travel group, brought to a large waiting room where we sat nervous and shaking. Then, our names began to be called. We stood up and walked forward and the director of the SWI was walking towards us with a very unhappy girl. He handed her to us and we began to cry and then she began to cry. Eric and I tried to comfort her. The director told us that Libby had gotten car sick on the drive from Maoming, and that was why she only had three layers on and no shoes. It seemed obvious that she was still not feeling great, and now was scared. I saw my travel mate Michelle offering her little girl a snack, which she seemed to like. We tried the same, but it did not work. I don't think we were prepared for how overwhelmed we felt. I can barely remember leaving the building and getting on the bus back to the hotel. A little face with big eyes and lips looked so sad, it broke my heart. We were all so exhausted. We showed Libby all around the room, her new toys, and her crib. Finally, we ordered room service and Libby sat on Dada's lap the whole time. I tried worming my way in by doing the stacky cups by myself over and over again, but did not win her over that day. At the end of a very emotional day, we all finally went to sleep. I probably got up 20 times to check on her. We were told that on day three, everything would be just fine. Our hard headed little girl did not quite agree with that, and it was much closer to day 6-7 before we saw her first real smile and then got a laugh.

We feel honored and so fortunate to have Libby as our daughter. The past two years have had highs and lows, as any journey into parenthood has. But the lowest lows fade into nothing compared to all the highs we have had and all the love we have found. Thank you Lisbeth Ann Qiu Roller for being our little girl. For opening are hearts even more than they had been before. We have tickle fights, bath time splashing, hide and seek, spontaneous hugs and kisses and arms put around our necks with the words "I love you Mama and Dada". You have been a gift beyond any other. We love you.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

One more picture

This was a picture of Maisy that was attached to a document. We had not really thought we could get it to copy, but it did, so although this is probably from when she was six months old (or younger), it is a new one for us to share.

I have some house stories, funny Libby stories and other things to write, and I will hopefully get to them soon. Right now, I am going to head out and enjoy this gorgeous day with my family.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Captain Monkey Toes and Other Adventures

That's Captain Monkey Toes

Last week Libby came out of her room wearing an interesting assortment of clothing. I looked down at her and asked her who say was. She told me she was a super hero. (Wow, pre-school does bring a whole new world home to us). When I asked her her super hero name, she looked almost offended that I did not know it on my own, kind of sighed and then shouted, "Captain Monkey Toes". Yep, you read right :) Unfortunately, her little destructive friend ripped her super hero crown apart, and so far, no others appeal to her. Watch hear for further updates on our super hero and her super adventures...
With her Easter bonnet...

We had neighbors who moved to the 'burbs last summer. They told us that when their house sold, that if the new owners did not want it, we could have their swing set. It took longer than they had probably anticipated, but the house finally sold. The new owner is not in need of a swing set, so up the hill it is coming! We are so excited. We have gone down there a few times to visit it. It has two swings, a fort at the top of the very nice slide, a sandbox, and to one side, a pole to attach the baby swing. Woo hoo! We are doubly excited because we are taking out the birch tree in the backyard that is slowly dying. It will cost us a few pennies to have it removed, so really did not want to spend money on a swing set, and ironically, the swing set will go where the birch was-how cool is all this? AND, trust me, Eric has an "idea" for moving the swing set here, so watch for some interesting pictures to appear in the next few weeks!

At Christmas, Libby had no desire to see the man in the red suit. I would ask her sporadically if she would be interested in a picture with him, and the answer was always "No". She did not seem to be afraid of the idea, just utterly disinterested. We were at the mall on Friday, and the Easter Bunny was there with a similar set up for pictures. OMG, she loved that bunny. She hugged him, high fived him, and was completely captivated. We went back this morning, Easter dress on, and had her picture taken with him. She just smiled from ear to ear.

I know people would like updates on Maisy, and trust me, I am sorry we cannot provide any. We will be sending a care package when we get our Log In Date. At that time, we will ask for another update. We may get one, we may not. When we get closer to travel, we will ask for weight, height, and a few more pics and just hope we get something, but again, no guarantees. We think about our little girl constantly and hope she is being well cared for, growing, developing and bonding with her foster family. We cannot wait until we get the go ahead for travel.

Libby and her pal Tenzing. Yes, the mom's are planning a wedding for 23 years from now...

Thursday, March 4, 2010


I know, can you believe it? We are so darn happy and excited, words do not come close! We are head over heels in love. Libby is very thrilled to be a big sister (for now, we will see how she feels when it happens)


If it asks for a log-in and password, it will be:


If you can tear your eyes away from just about the cutest little girl in the world, we would like to ask that you use discretion if you forward our website to anyone. We would prefer to keep it among friends and family, but are aware we may unintentionally miss some folks.