We had a lovely Mother's Day this past Sunday. Eric made French toast from scratch, and instead of my healthy version, he made the full fat one, which was delicious. We had a very lovely day together and went to Menard's to pick up more plants for the yard. They were almost cleaned out of everything. It is hard to believe it was my second Mother's Day with Libby, and I pinch myself at how lucky I am to have such a lovely daughter. She is very funny and quick witted (yes, I am prejudiced). I told her that she has a cute little nose. I asked her if mama had a cute little nose. I was told, "No, mama has a BIG nose", and she laughed and laughed. She put her thumb out and her index finger up, just to show me how big.
Monday, we had several of the mom's from the St. Paul Mom's group over for a play date. It went really well. All of the moms are so nice and the kids are just great. Aidan loved playing Frisbee with Merlie and Merlie loved every minute of it. Poor Chloe is afraid of dogs, but was okay by the end of the time here. Libby and Lexa were there usual nutty selves, running all over the house together. It was good for Libby to share with more than one child at a time-she could not focus on which one playing with her things was upsetting her the most :)
Music Together is winding to a close in a few weeks. It is probably a good thing. Libby and Tenzing make quite a show of themselves and are disruptive. Both had to be brought out of the room to have a timeout. They jump up and down and scream at the top of their lungs. The singing and dancing part is lost on them. However, this made me laugh until I had tears in my eyes. One of them pulled up their shirt, and then the other one did and then they belly bumped. It was cute, but I bet the teacher will be relieved not to have to "teach" these two again!
We did not have any afternoon naps this week, which made for horrible afternoons for me. Libby was super crabby and a tyrant. Today, we watched my friend Brenda's little girl, Annie. They played hard, so Libby is napping, but I fear the days of two hour naps are coming to an end. Libby is not at a point where she plays by herself, however, so this really takes its toll on me getting my work done. OK, and having a chance to blog!
I had told Eric I wanted a covered sandbox for the yard. Was going to see if we could find one at a yard sale. He called to say that he found one at the curb. Went up and asked if it was okay to take, and the woman said she was sick of sand in her yard?! It is the Little Tykes Step Two crab and I love it. It is not too small or too big and it has a cover and is in great condition. Yeah, Eric! We are going to take her little sandbox and turn it into a water table. Our yard looks like a plastic factory.
All in all, life is good and I can hardly wait to see the fruits of our labor with our veggies and flowers. We really want to involve Libby in the experience this summer.
As for the picture of Libby in her jean skirt-she looks like half the teen girls in my neighborhood with her flip flops and cell phone in her pocket. Yikes!